Stray Kids

Stray Kids 2nd Album NOEASY

$22.00 ( $22.00 discount) 22 $0
Pre-Order Benefits: Closed
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Basic Information
Product Name Stray Kids 2nd Album NOEASY
Model Stray Kids
Overview Pre-Order Benefits: Closed
Price $22.00
Discounted Price $17.82 ( $4.18 discount)
Reward Points $0.08 (0.50%)
Description [Product Information]
Product: CD
Size: 16.4 X 16.4 X 2.4 CM
Weight: 1,500g
Distributor: JYP360
Country of Manufacture: South Korea
Release Date: August 2021

- 2 Types of Package Sleeves
- 2 Types of Photo Books (Some pages are same as the limited version.)
- 1 Lyric Book (Same as the limited version.)
- 2 Types of CD-Rs
- 1 Out of 2 Stickers Selected at Random (Same as the limited version.)
- 1 Out of 4 Folded Unit Posters Selected at Random (Same as the limited version.)
- 2 Out of 32 Photo Cards Selected at Random (Same as the limited version.)
- 1 Out of 8 Double-Sided Photo Cards Selected at Random (Same as the limited version.)
- Pre-Order Benefits (Same as the limited version.)
1) 1 Out of 4 Posters Selected at Random
2) 1 Out of 8 Frame Photo Cards Selected at Random
3) 1 Out of 2 Special Mini Photo Books Selected at Random

- Small scratches and imperfections may be detected. This is not a defect.
- For printed goods such as photo cards, scratches, nicks, and dents under 5MM and not on the face are not grounds for exchange/return.
- Missing components are shipped additionally only if a video that contains the requirements on the packaging sticker is provided. Please read FAQs for further information.

[Additional Notice]
- This product is not suitable for children under the age of 14.
- Compensation for defective products is provided according to Fair Trade Commission standards.
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  • The number of albums sold at JYP SHOP applies to CIRCLE Music Chart and HANTEO Music Chart.
[Product Information]
Product: CD
Size: 16.4 X 16.4 X 2.4 CM
Weight: 1,500g
Distributor: JYP360
Country of Manufacture: South Korea
Release Date: August 2021

- 2 Types of Package Sleeves
- 2 Types of Photo Books (Some pages are same as the limited version.)
- 1 Lyric Book (Same as the limited version.)
- 2 Types of CD-Rs
- 1 Out of 2 Stickers Selected at Random (Same as the limited version.)
- 1 Out of 4 Folded Unit Posters Selected at Random (Same as the limited version.)
- 2 Out of 32 Photo Cards Selected at Random (Same as the limited version.)
- 1 Out of 8 Double-Sided Photo Cards Selected at Random (Same as the limited version.)
- Pre-Order Benefits (Same as the limited version.)
1) 1 Out of 4 Posters Selected at Random
2) 1 Out of 8 Frame Photo Cards Selected at Random
3) 1 Out of 2 Special Mini Photo Books Selected at Random

- Small scratches and imperfections may be detected. This is not a defect.
- For printed goods such as photo cards, scratches, nicks, and dents under 5MM and not on the face are not grounds for exchange/return.
- Missing components are shipped additionally only if a video that contains the requirements on the packaging sticker is provided. Please read FAQs for further information.

[Additional Notice]
- This product is not suitable for children under the age of 14.
- Compensation for defective products is provided according to Fair Trade Commission standards.

Stray Kids(스트레이 키즈), 8월 23일 정규 2집 'NOEASY' 및 타이틀곡 '소리꾼' 발매
- 2021년 첫 앨범이자 '킹덤' 우승 이후 본격 행보! 멤버 전원 작사, 작곡 참여한 신보 'NOEASY'로 가요계 정조준!
- 타이틀곡 '소리꾼', MZ 세대 대표하는 줏대 있는 메시지! ""누가 뭐라고 하든 기죽지 않겠다""
- 美 빌보드 차트 자체 첫 1위에 빛나는 ‘애’와 유닛곡 포함 총 14트랙 수록! 그룹 정체성에 확실한 쐐기 박는다!

Stray Kids(스트레이 키즈)가 2021년 8월 23일 정규 2집 'NOEASY'(노이지)를 발표한다.
스트레이 키즈는 지난 6월 종영한 Mnet '킹덤 : 레전더리 워'(이하 '킹덤') 최종 우승 이후 올해 발표하는 첫 음반 'NOEASY'를 통해 K팝 대세 굳히기에 나선다. 첫 정규 앨범 'GO生'(고생) 타이틀곡 '神메뉴'(신메뉴)와 정규 1집 리패키지 음반 'IN生'(인생) 타이틀곡 'Back Door'(백 도어) 등 한번 맛보면 잊을 수 없는 '마라맛 장르'의 진수를 선보인 이들이 감칠맛을 배가한 두 번째 정규 음반으로 더 높은 인기 상승선과 성장세를 그린다.
'NOEASY'는 기존 문법의 틀을 넘어서 새로운 단어로 세상과 소통하는 스트레이 키즈만의 독창적인 화법을 이어가는 앨범이다. 재치 넘치는 언어유희와 말재간을 자랑하는 이들은 타인의 삶에 훈수를 두는 사람들에게 MZ 세대 다운 당찬 한마디를 전한다.
타이틀곡 '소리꾼'은 noise를 가진 '잔소리꾼'과 노래하는 '소리꾼'이라는 이중적인 의미를 하나의 단어로 삼아, 다른 사람들이 왈가왈부 떠드는 잔소리에 절대 기죽지 않고 할 말은 하며 줏대를 지키겠다는 메시지를 표현했다. 잔소리를 끊임없이 내뱉는 '잔소리꾼'들과 이에 굴하지 않고 할 말은 하며 꿋꿋이 우리만의 음악을 하겠다는 당당한 '소리꾼' 스트레이 키즈의 모습이 대비된다. 웅장한 멜로디에 전통 국악의 화려하고도 다양한 소리를 더해 듣는 재미를 높였고 '우르르쾅쾅쾅쾅', '빵빵' 등 추임새가 스트레이 키즈만의 흥의 정점을 완성한다.
과감하면서도 신선한 스타일을 선보여 '콘셉트 맛집'으로 정평이 난 스트레이 키즈만의 비주얼도 눈 여겨볼만하다. 방찬, 리노, 창빈, 현진, 한, 필릭스, 승민, 아이엔 여덟 멤버는 거침없는 에너지, 위트와 여유가 넘치는 분위기를 선사하고 신곡의 매력을 시각적으로도 구현했다. ‘소리꾼’ 뮤직비디오는 궁중음악, 풍물놀이, 북청 사자탈과 같은 전통 색채로 역동적인 아름다움을 담았고, 애니메이션 트랜지션, 시각 특수 효과 등을 활용해 스케일감 넘치는 장면을 연출했다.
신보는 인트로 트랙 'CHEESE'(치즈)를 필두로 타이틀곡 '소리꾼', 'DOMINO'(도미노), '씩 (SSICK)', 'The View'(더 뷰), '좋아해서 미안', 'Silent Cry'(사일런트 크라이), '말할 수 없는 비밀', 'Star Lost'(스타 로스트)가 수록됐다. 이어 유닛곡 '강박 (방찬, 현진)', 'Surfin’ (리노, 창빈, 필릭스)'(서핑), 'Gone Away (한, 승민, 아이엔)'(곤 어웨이)와 Mnet '킹덤' 파이널 경연에서 선보인 'WOLFGANG'(울프강) 그리고 지난 6월 26일 발표해 7월 10일 자 미국 빌보드 '월드 디지털 송 세일즈 차트' 1위를 차지한 디지털 싱글 '애'까지 총 14곡이 담겼다.
스트레이 키즈는 쓰리라차(3RACHA)를 필두로 멤버 전원이 신보 크레디트에 이름을 올리며 '자체 프로듀싱 그룹'의 영역을 확고히 했다. 이외에 베르사최(VERSACHOI), 크리스타 영스(Krysta Youngs), 핫소스(HotSauce), 홍지상 등 국내외 유수의 작가진과 의기투합해 앨범의 완성도를 높였다.
스트레이 키즈는 전작 'IN生'으로 한터 차트 기준 초동(발매일 기준 일주일 동안의 음반 판매량) 자체 최고 성적을 거뒀고, 최근 한터차트의 '한터 글로벌 케이팝 리포트' 중 올해 상반기 가장 높은 소셜 지표 상승을 기록한 데뷔 4년 차 이내의 아티스트 1위에 선정되는 등 폭발적인 국내외 인기 성장세를 입증했다. 정규 2집 'NOEASY'는 그룹의 정체성과 상승세에 강력한 쐐기를 박는 앨범이자 주요한 기점으로써 스트레이 키즈는 전 세계 K팝 팬들의 오감을 만족시키고 '4세대 대표 그룹' 위상을 공고히 한다."

[Stray Kids' Comment]
웃을 때 쓰는 치즈라는 단어와 갖가지 치즈를 비유 삼은 재밌는 워드 플레이로 저희만의 악동스러운 색깔을 표현했습니다. 재치 있는 가사 속 지난 타이틀곡들의 메인 가사들을 찾아보는 재미가 있으실 거예요. 강력한 록 사운드와 거친 베이스 신스, 묵직한 킥이 주는 무게감도 함께 즐길 수 있습니다.

Lyrics by 방찬 (3RACHA), 창빈 (3RACHA), 한 (3RACHA)
Composed by 방찬 (3RACHA), 창빈 (3RACHA), 한 (3RACHA), 베르사최 (VERSACHOI)
Arranged by 베르사최 (VERSACHOI)
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA)
All instruments by 베르사최 (VERSACHOI)
Digital Editing by 이경원
Recorded by 이상엽 at JYPE Studios
Mixed by 윤원권 at Studio DDeepKICK
Mastered by 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering

2. 소리꾼 *TITLE
[Stray Kids' Comment]
잔소리꾼들을 무찌르기 위해 구름 타고 등장한 진정한 소리꾼 스트레이 키즈! 꼬투리를 잡고 끊임없이 잔소리하는 사람들에게 우리만의 소리를 외치겠다는 저희의 줏대 있는 모습을 말하고 싶었어요. 강렬한 래핑, 웅장한 브레스 사운드, 화려한 전통 국악 소리들의 조화가 특징입니다. 스트레이 키즈만의 소리를 한 번 더 세상을 향해 알릴 수 있는 곡이라고 생각합니다.

Lyrics by 방찬 (3RACHA), 창빈 (3RACHA), 한 (3RACHA)
Composed by 방찬 (3RACHA), 창빈 (3RACHA), 한 (3RACHA), HotSauce
Arranged by HotSauce, 방찬 (3RACHA)
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA)
Keyboard by HotSauce
Drum programming by HotSauce
Computer programming by HotSauce
Digital Editing by HotSauce, 이경원
Recorded by 이상엽, 임홍진 at JYPE Studios
Mixed by Tony Maserati at Chapel Swing Studios, Valley Glen
Mix engineered by David K. Younghyun
Mastered by 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering

[Stray Kids' Comment]
한번 까딱하면 다른 조각들이 다 따라서 넘어가는 도미노처럼 스트레이 키즈가 시작이 되어 모두를 따라오게 하겠다는 포부를 담았습니다. 유쾌하고 재치 있는 가사, 도입부에 배치한 강렬한 비트, 도미노가 넘어가는 듯한 훅의 사운드 등 스트레이 키즈만의 멋은 물론 독특한 음악 색과 신선함을 느낄 수 있으실 거예요.

Lyrics by 방찬 (3RACHA), 창빈 (3RACHA), 한 (3RACHA)
Composed by 방찬 (3RACHA), 창빈 (3RACHA), 한 (3RACHA), 베르사최 (VERSACHOI)
Arranged by 베르사최 (VERSACHOI), 방찬 (3RACHA)
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA)
All instruments by 베르사최 (VERSACHOI), 방찬 (3RACHA)
Digital Editing by 이경원
Recorded by 구혜진 at JYPE Studios
Mixed by 윤원권 at Studio DDeepKICK
Mastered by 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering

4.씩 (SSICK)
[Stray Kids' Comment]
미소 짓는 모양인 '씩'과 멋있다는 의미의 단어 'Sick'의 발음이 같은 점을 활용해 스트레이 키즈의 강렬한 패기와 자부심을 나타냈습니다. 힙합을 기반으로 EDM을 넣은 풍부한 사운드가 청각적 쾌감을 드릴 수 있게 작업했어요. 너무 Sick해서 함부로 건드릴 수 없는 새로운 매력을 접하시길 바라봅니다.

Lyrics by 방찬 (3RACHA), 창빈 (3RACHA), 한 (3RACHA)
Composed by 방찬 (3RACHA), 창빈 (3RACHA), 한 (3RACHA), ByHVN (153/Joombas)
Arranged by ByHVN (153/Joombas), 방찬 (3RACHA)
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA), 153/Joombas Music Publishing
Keyboard by ByHVN
Drum by ByHVN
Bass by ByHVN
Digital Editing by 이화신 at 821 Sound
Recorded by 구혜진 at JYPE Studios
Mixed by 마스터키 at 821 Sound
Mastered by 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering

5. The View
[Stray Kids' Comment]
탁 트인 넓은 들판의 풍경을 바라보는 듯 상쾌한 기분을 느끼며 힘들었던 과거, 미래에 대한 답답함을 날려 보내주는 곡입니다. 청량한 사운드 위 감성적이고 희망에 찬 가사로 위로를 전하고, 힘든 기억을 지워버릴 수 있는 노래가 되었으면 좋겠습니다.

Lyrics by 방찬 (3RACHA), 창빈 (3RACHA), 한 (3RACHA), Krysta Youngs
Composed by 방찬 (3RACHA), 창빈 (3RACHA), 한 (3RACHA), TELYKast, Krysta Youngs
Arranged by TELYKast, 방찬 (3RACHA)
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA), TREVOR KLAIMAN MUSIC (BMI), KYLE M T MUSIC (ASCAP), LINUS AK MUSIC (ASCAP), Petal Rock Publishing (ASCAP)
Sub-publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA), Fujipacific Music Korea Inc., Copyright Control
All instruments/Drums/Keyboard by TELYKast
Computer programming by TELYKast
Background vocals by Stray Kids, Krysta Youngs
Digital Editing by 이경원
Recorded by 구혜진 at JYPE Studios
Mixed by 구종필 at KLANG Studio
Engineered for mix 강선영
Mastered by 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering

6. 좋아해서 미안
[Stray Kids' Comment]
'음악으로 전해보는 소심한 고백'을 그려보았어요. 붐뱁 비트에 감성적인 랩과 보컬, 중독성 강한 훅 멜로디가 돋보이는 힙합 발라드 곡입니다. 많은 분들이 공감할 수 있는 현실적이면서도 풋풋한 감정을 가사에 녹여보았습니다.

Lyrics by 창빈 (3RACHA)
Composed by 창빈 (3RACHA), Millionboy (밀리언보이)
Arranged by Millionboy (밀리언보이), 방찬 (3RACHA)
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA), Copyright Control
All instruments by Millionboy (밀리언보이), 방찬 (3RACHA)
Digital Editing by 이경원
Recorded by 엄세희, 이상엽 at JYPE Studios
Mixed by 마스터키 at 821 Sound
Mastered by 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering

7. Silent Cry
[Stray Kids' Comment]
힘든 세상에 지쳐 자신의 소리를 내지 못하고 슬퍼하는 이들을 향해 혼자 아파하지 말고 내게도 너의 아픔과 속마음을 털어놓아도 된다고 위로를 건네고 싶었어요. 가사에 실은 메시지가 힘이 됐으면 좋겠어요. 서정적이고 아련한 멜로디가 인상적인 모던 록 장르의 곡입니다.

Lyrics by 방찬 (3RACHA), 창빈 (3RACHA), 한 (3RACHA)
Composed by 방찬 (3RACHA), 창빈 (3RACHA), 한 (3RACHA), 홍지상
Arranged by 홍지상
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA)
Electric Guitars by 홍지상
Bass by 홍지상
Keyboards by 홍지상
Computer programming by 홍지상
Background vocals by Stray Kids, 홍지상
Recorded by 구혜진, 임홍진, 박은정 at JYPE Studios, 홍지상 at Jisang's Studio
Mixed by 신봉원 at GLAB Studios
Mastered by 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering

8. 말할 수 없는 비밀
[Stray Kids' Comment]
누구에게나 들키고 싶지 않은 비밀이 있다고 생각해요. 걱정과 아픔의 비밀이나 나만 간직하고 있는 비밀들이요. 흐르는 빗물에 비밀과 아픔을 다 씻어 내려보내고 후련해지고픈 마음을 가사로 표현했고, 잔잔하고 서정적인 멜로디 위 감성적인 보컬을 놓았습니다.

Lyrics by 한 (3RACHA)
Composed by JINBYJIN, 한 (3RACHA), Moa “Cazzi Opeia” Carlebecker, Gabriel Brandes
Arranged by JINBYJIN
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA), EKKO Music Rights Europe (powered by CTGA)
Sub-publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA), EKKO Music Rights (powered by CTGA)
Guitar Performed by JINBYJIN
Piano Performed by JINBYJIN
Synthesizer Performed by JINBYJIN

9. Star Lost
[Stray Kids' Comment]
우리 STAY 앞에서 콘서트를 하게 되는 그날, 꼭 불러주고 싶은 곡으로 다 함께 부르는 상상만 해도 기분이 좋아집니다. 활기찬 에너지를 꼭 팬분들에게 전해드리고 싶어요. 밝은 트랙과 대조되는 가사가 매력적인 팝 댄스 장르입니다.

Lyrics by 방찬 (3RACHA), 창빈 (3RACHA), 한 (3RACHA), earattack, 깔로스
Composed by earattack, DaviDior
Arranged by DaviDior, earattack
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA), Copyright Control
All instruments by DaviDior, earattack
Background vocals by 방찬 (3RACHA), 한 (3RACHA), earattack
Digital Editing by 정유라
Recorded by 이상엽, 박은정 at JYPE Studios
Mixed by 이태섭 at JYPE Studios
Mastered by 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering

10. 강박 (방찬, 현진)
[Stray Kids' Comment]
연습생 시절부터 함께 해보고 싶었던 장르를 들려드릴 수 있게 되어 정말 많이 설레요. 또 다른 자아와의 대립을 강박이라는 소재로 강렬하게 표현했고 전체적인 분위기는 섹시하고 강한 스트링과 일렉 기타 사운드로 와일드한 느낌도 동시에 받을 수 있습니다.

Lyrics by 방찬 (3RACHA), 현진
Composed by 방찬 (3RACHA), 현진
Arranged by 방찬 (3RACHA), 베르사최 (VERSACHOI)
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA)
All instruments by 방찬(3RACHA), 베르사최 (VERSACHOI)
Guitar by Nickko Young (노현동)
Digital Editing by 이경원
Recorded by 방찬 (3RACHA) at 찬이의 “방” (Channie's “Room”)
Mixed by 임홍진 at JYPE Studios
Mastered by 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering

11. Surfin' (리노, 창빈, 필릭스)
[Stray Kids' Comment]
지루하고 답답한 일상과 더위에 지쳐가는 마음을 힐링하고 싶은 분들에게 선물하고 싶은 신나는 서머 송입니다. 소스를 들었을 때부터 정말 밝고 신나고 듣기 편한 노래라 생각했어요. 시원한 바다가 떠오르는 가사와 청량감 넘치는 비트 그리고 멜로디로 잠시나마 스트레스를 푸시고 쉬어 갈 수 있었으면 좋겠습니다.

Lyrics by 창빈 (3RACHA), 리노, 필릭스
Composed by 창빈 (3RACHA), 리노, 필릭스, 베르사최 (VERSACHOI)
Arranged by 베르사최 (VERSACHOI)
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA)
All instruments by 베르사최 (VERSACHOI)
Digital Editing by 우민정
Recorded by 최혜진 at JYPE Studios
Mixed by 박은정 at JYPE Studios
Mastered by 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering

12. Gone Away (한, 승민, 아이엔)
[Stray Kids' Comment]
오랜 시간 짝사랑하던 사람을 이제는 놓아야 한다는 걸 알면서도 쉽게 접을 수 없는 절절한 마음을 주제로 써봤어요. 감성적인 탑 라인과 피아노 선율이 인상적인 발라드 곡으로, 처절한 끝을 덤덤하게 노래한 저희 세 명의 목소리가 조화롭게 어우러진 시너지를 기대해 주세요.

Lyrics by 한 (3RACHA), 승민, 아이엔
Composed by 한 (3RACHA), 승민, 아이엔, 아르마딜로, Gump
Arranged by 아르마딜로, Gump
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA), Copyright Control
Piano by 전상민
Guitar by 정소리
Bass by 이성찬
All instrument by 아르마딜로, Gump
Background vocals by 승민
Digital Editing by 정유라
Recorded by 구혜진 at JYPE Studios
Mixed by 이태섭, 최혜진 at JYPE Studios
Mastered by 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering

[Stray Kids' Comment]
Mnet '킹덤 : 레전더리 워'에서 최종 우승을 안겨준 의미 있는 곡으로 모차르트의 풀네임 'Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart'에서 'Wolfgang'을 차용했어요. 무리 지어 다니며 먹잇감을 사냥하는 늑대의 습성을 스트레이 키즈에 비유해 결속력 있고 단단한 면모와 목표 앞에서 자비 없는 모습을 각인시키며 저희만의 음악으로 모두를 압도하겠다는 메시지와 세상을 지휘하겠다는 포부를 담았습니다. 강력한 808, 클래시컬 오케스트레이션 그리고 늑대를 표현하는 소리들의 조화를 통해 마치 늑대들이 사냥하는 듯한 다이내믹함을 마주하시길 바랍니다.

Lyrics by 방찬 (3RACHA), 창빈 (3RACHA), 한 (3RACHA)
Composed by 방찬 (3RACHA), 창빈 (3RACHA), 한 (3RACHA), 베르사최 (VERSACHOI)
Arranged by 베르사최 (VERSACHOI), 방찬 (3RACHA)
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA)
All instruments by 베르사최 (VERSACHOI)
Background vocals by 3RACHA
Digital Editing by 이경원
Recorded by 구혜진 at JYPE Studios
Mixed by Tony Maserati at Chapel Swing Studios, Valley Glen
Mix Engineered by David K. Younghyun
Mastered by Chris Gehringer, assisted by Will Quinnell at Sterling Sound

14. 애
[Stray Kids' Comment]
좋아하는 사람 앞에서 제대로 마음을 표현하지 못해 어린아이가 된 듯한 서툰 감정을 담은 트랙이에요. 어린아이를 이르는 말인 동시에 한자 '愛'(사랑 애)에서 아이디어를 떠올렸어요. 귀를 사로잡는 드럼, 신스 악기 등 케미스트리가 훌륭합니다.

Lyrics by 방찬 (3RACHA), 창빈 (3RACHA), 한 (3RACHA)
Composed by 방찬 (3RACHA), 창빈 (3RACHA), 한 (3RACHA), Kobee, Holy M
Arranged by Kobee, Holy M
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA)
Guitars by Kobee
Bass by Holy M
Drums by Kobee
Synthesizer by Holy M
Computer programming by Kobee, Holy M
Background vocals by 방찬 (3RACHA), 창빈 (3RACHA), 한 (3RACHA), 필릭스
Recorded by 이상엽 at JYPE Studios
Mixed by 이태섭 at JYPE Studios
Mastered by 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering
Stray Kids Release Their 2nd Full-Length Album ‘NOEASY’ Featuring the Title Song ‘Thunderous,’ on August 23.
- Their first big step since winning ‘Kingdom’ and first album of 2021! All members participated in writing and composing ‘NOEASY,’ which is expected to set new sights for the music industry!
- Title song ‘Thunderous’ contains a firm message that represents Millennials and Generation Z! “I won’t be discouraged no matter what anyone says.”
- It features a total of 14 tracks including unit songs and ‘Mixtape : OH,’ which shined in first place on America’s Billboard Chart! A solid wedge in the group’s identity!

Stray Kids announce the release of their 2nd full-length album ‘NOEASY’ on August 23.
After winning Mnet’s ‘Kingdom: Legendary War’ (hereinafter referred to as ‘Kingdom’) finale in June, Stray Kids will solidify K-pop trends with their first album to be released this year ‘NOEASY.’ They showed us the essence of the unforgettable ‘mala-flavored’ genre with the title song ‘God’s Menu’ from their first full-length album ‘GO LIVE’ and the title song ‘Back Door’ from their first repackage album ‘IN LIFE.’ Now, Stray Kids show growth and a rise in popularity with their 2nd full-length album featuring twice the flavor.
‘NOEASY’ features Stray Kids’ original way of communicating with the world using new words that go beyond the framework of existing grammar. Boasting witty play of language and humor, they deliver bold messages in the language of Millennials and Generation Z for those who help others live their lives.
The Korean name of the title song ‘Thunderous’ combines the two meanings of the Korean word, which can mean both ‘noisy nagger’ and ‘singer,’ expressing the claim that they will keep their heads up and never be discouraged by the nagging of others. The song depicts a contrast between ‘naggers,’ who constantly nitpick, and the ‘singers’ Stray Kids, who say what they want to say and make their own music without giving into criticism. The grand melody on top of the splendid and varied sounds of traditional Korean music tickles the ears, while the drum noises in between add the cherry on top of the excitement offered by Stray Kids.
Worth noting is the unique visuals of Stray Kids, who have garnered a reputation of being concept experts by showing off their bold and fresh style. All 8 members, BANG CHAN, Lee Know, CHANGBIN, HYUNJIN, HAN, Felix, SEUNGMIN, and I.N, have created a vibe full of unstoppable energy, wit, and ease, visually realizing the charm of their new song. The music video for ‘Thunderous’ features the dynamic beauty of Korean tradition, such as court music, pungmulnori, and the Bukcheong lion mask, while the animated transitions and special effects create scenes of enormous scales.
The new album begins with the intro track ‘CHEESE,’ which is followed by the title song ‘Thunderous,’ ‘DOMINO,’ ‘SSICK,’ The View,’ ‘Sorry, I Love You,’ ‘Silent Cry,’ ‘Secret Secret,’ and ‘Star Lost.’ It features a total of 14 tracks, including unit songs ‘Red Lights (Bang Chan, Hyunjin),’ ‘Surfin’ (Lee Know, Changbin, Felix),’ and ‘Gone Away (HAN, Seungmin, I.N).’ Also included are the songs ‘WOLFGANG,’ which Stray Kids presented to the world on the finale of Mnet’s ‘Kingdom,’ and ‘Mixtape : OH,’ which was released on June 26 and took first place on the World Digital Song Sales Chart of America’s Billboard by July 10.
All members of Stray Kids, led by 3RACHA, were listed on the credits for their new album, thus solidifying their domain as a ‘self-producing group.’ In order to add more perfection to this album, they worked together with renowned Korean and non-Korean writers, including VERSACHOI, Krysta Youngs, HotSauce, and HONG JISANG.
With their previous album ‘IN LIFE,’ Stray Kids set a new personal record within the first week of the album’s release (album sales within a week of the release date) based on Hanteo Chart. They have demonstrated explosive growth in popularity both in Korea and internationally, recording the highest rise in social indexes during the first half of this year amongst artists within the first 4 years of their debut according to Hanteo Chart's 'Hanteo Global K-Pop Report.' Their 2nd full-length album ‘NOEASY’ added a powerful wedge in the group’s identity and growth. With this album as their starting point, Stray Kids satisfy the senses of K-pop fans around the world and solidify their name as the leaders of the 4th generation of K-pop.
Stray Kids、8月23日に2ndフルアルバム「NOEASY」及びタイトル曲「Thunderous」をリリース。
- 2021年初のアルバムで、 「KINGDOM」優勝後、本格的に活動開始! メンバー全員が作詞・作曲に参加したニューアルバム「NOEASY」でK-POP界を狙い撃ち!
- タイトル曲「Thunderous」、MZ世代を代表する芯のあるメッセージ! 「だれが何と言おうと弱気にならない」
- 米ビルボードチャートで初の1位に輝いた「Mixtape : OH」とユニット曲を含む計14トラック収録! グループアイデンティティに確実なクギを刺す!

Stray Kidsが2021年8月23日、2ndフルアルバム「NOEASY」をリリースする。
6月に最終回を迎えたMnet「KINGDOM:LEGENDARY WAR」(以下「KINGDOM」)で最終優勝に輝いたStray Kidsが今年発表する初のアルバム「NOEASY」で その人気を確固たるものにする。1stフルアルバム「GO LIVE」のタイトル曲「God’s Menu」と1stリパッケージフルアルバム「IN LIFE」のタイトル曲「Back Door」など、一度味わうと忘れられない「麻辣味ジャンル」の真髄を披露したStray Kidsの旨味を凝縮した2ndフルアルバムで、高まる人気と目覚ましい成長ぶりを見せる。
「NOEASY」には既存の文法の枠を超えて、新しい言葉で世の中とコミュニケーションをするStray Kidsならではの独創的な表現方法が表れている。機知に富んだ言葉遊びと言葉の才能を誇る彼らは、他人の人生に口出しする人々に堂々と「MZ世代」らしい一言を伝える。
タイトル曲の「Thunderous(ソリクン)」はノイジーな「チャンソリクン(小言を言う人)」と「ソリクン(歌い手)」という二つの意味を一つの単語で表し、他人のおせっかいにめげずに言うべきことは言って芯を貫くというメッセージを表現した。しつこく小言を並べる「チャンソリクン(小言を言う人)」とそれに負けず言いたいことを言って、最後まで自分の音楽を堂々と貫く「ソリクン(歌い手)」Stray Kidsの姿が対照的である。ダイナミックなメロディーに韓国伝統音楽の豪華で多様な音が加わって、聴く楽しみを高めた。「ウルルクァンクァンクァンクァン(韓国語でゴロゴロドッカーン)」、「パンパン(クラクションの音)」などの合いの手がStray Kidsならではの興を駆り立てる。
果敢でありながら新鮮なスタイルで「コンセプト職人」として定評のあるStray Kidsならではのビジュアルも注目に値する。バンチャン、リノ、チャンビン、ヒョンジン、ハン、フィリックス、スンミン、アイエンの8人は並々ならぬエネルギー、ウィットと余裕溢れる雰囲気を披露し、新曲の魅力を視覚的にも具現化した。「Thunderous」のミュージックビデオでは韓国の伝統音楽、伝統舞踊(プンムルノリ、北清獅子仮面)のような伝統的な色彩を用いてダイナミックな美しさを表現し、アニメーショントランジション、視覚特殊効果などを活用してスケール感あふれるシーンを演出した。
ニューアルバムにはイントロトラック「CHEESE」をはじめ、タイトル曲「Thunderous」、「DOMINO」、「SSICK」、「The View」、「Sorry, I Love You」、「Silent Cry」、「Secret Secret」、「Star Lost」が収録された。また、ユニット曲は「Red Lights (Bang Chan, Hyunjin)」、「Surfin’ (Lee Know, Changbin, Felix)」、「Gone Away (HAN, Seungmin, I.N)」の他、Mnet「KINGDOM」のファイナル共演で披露した「WOLFGANG」、そして6月26日に発表し7月10日に米ビルボードの「ワールドデジタルソングセールスチャート」で1位を獲得したデジタルシングル「Mixtape : OH」まで計14曲が収録された。
Stray Kidsは3RACHAを筆頭にメンバー全員がニューアルバムの制作に参加し、「セルフプロデュースチーム」の領域を確固たるものにした。この他、VERSACHOI、Krysta Youngs、HotSauce、HONG JISANGなど韓国内外有数の作家陣と意気投合してアルバムの完成度を高めた。
Stray Kidsは前作「IN LIFE」でHANTEOチャート基準初動(発売日基準一週間のアルバム販売量)自己最高成績を収めた。最近ではHANTEOチャートの「HANTEOグローバルK-POPレポート」で今年上半期一番高いソーシャル指標上昇を記録した、デビュー4年以内のアーティスト1位に選ばれるなど爆発的な韓国内外の人気ぶりを証明した。2ndフルアルバム「NOEASY」はグループのアイデンティティーと成長においての重要な起点となるアルバムであり、今後Stray Kidsは全世界のK-POPファンたちの五感を満足させ「第4世代を代表するグループ」としての地位を確固たるものにするであろう。


[Stray Kids' Comment]
笑顔を作るときに使う「チーズ」という単語と色々なチーズに例えた面白いワードプレイで Stray Kidsならではの無邪気さを表現しました。ユーモラスな歌詞の中に隠された以前のタイトル曲のメイン歌詞を探すのも楽しむポイントです。強力なロックサウンドと荒々しいベースシンセサイザー、重みのあるキックが与える重厚感も一緒にお楽しみください。

Lyrics by バンチャン (3RACHA)、チャンビン (3RACHA)、ハン (3RACHA)
Composed by バンチャン (3RACHA)、チャンビン (3RACHA)、ハン (3RACHA)、 VERSACHOI
Arranged by VERSACHOI
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA)
All instruments by VERSACHOI
Digital Editing by LEE KYUNGWON
Recorded by LEE SANGYEOB at JYPE Studios
Mixed by YOON WONGWON at Studio DDeepKICK
Mastered by KWON NAMWOO at 821 Sound Mastering

2. Thunderous *TITLE
[Stray Kids' Comment]
チャンソリクン(小言を言う人)をやっつけるために雲に乗って登場した真のソリクン(歌い手)Stray Kids! 言葉尻を捕らえてしつこく小言を言う人々にStray Kidsだけが出せる声を投げかける芯のある姿をお見せしたいと思いました。強烈なラップ、壮大なブレスサウンド、豪華な韓国伝統音楽の音の調和が特徴です。Stray Kidsならではの歌をもう一度世界に向けて披露できる曲だと思います。

Lyrics by バンチャン (3RACHA)、チャンビン (3RACHA)、ハン (3RACHA)
Composed by バンチャン (3RACHA)、チャンビン (3RACHA)、ハン (3RACHA), HotSauce
Arranged by HotSauce、バンチャン (3RACHA)
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA)
Keyboard by HotSauce
Drum programming by HotSauce
Computer programming by HotSauce
Digital Editing by HotSauce, LEE KYUNGWON
Mixed by Tony Maserati at Chapel Swing Studios, Valley Glen
Mix engineered by David K. Younghyun
Mastered by KWON NAMWOO at 821 Sound Mastering

[Stray Kids' Comment]
一度倒れてしまうと途中で止めることができないドミノのように、Stray Kidsを先頭にみんなを率いろうとする意気込みを込めました。面白くてウィットに富んだ歌詞、導入部の激しいビート、ドミノが倒れていくようなフックのサウンドなど、Stray Kidsならではのカッコよさはもちろん、独特な音楽のテイストや新鮮さを感じることができます。

Lyrics by バンチャン (3RACHA)、チャンビン (3RACHA)、ハン (3RACHA)
Composed by バンチャン (3RACHA)、チャンビン (3RACHA)、ハン (3RACHA)、VERSACHOI
Arranged by VERSACHOI、バンチャン (3RACHA)
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA)
All instruments by VERSACHOI、バンチャン (3RACHA)
Digital Editing by LEE KYUNGWON
Recorded by GU HYEJIN at JYPE Studios
Mixed by YOON WONGWON at Studio DDeepKICK
Mastered by KWON NAMWOO at 821 Sound Mastering

[Stray Kids' Comment]
笑顔を浮かべる様子「シック(韓国語でニヤ)」と格好いいという意味である「Sick」の発音の一致を活用し、Stray Kidsの意気込みとプライドを表しました。ヒップホップをベースに、EDMを加えた豊かなサウンドが皆様にイヤーガズムを与えられるように作りました。Sick過ぎてむやみに触れることのできない新しい魅力に出会えることを願います。

Lyrics by バンチャン (3RACHA)、チャンビン (3RACHA)、ハン (3RACHA)
Composed by バンチャン (3RACHA)、チャンビン (3RACHA)、ハン (3RACHA)、ByHVN (153/Joombas)
Arranged by ByHVN (153/Joombas)、バンチャン (3RACHA)
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA), 153/Joombas Music Publishing
Keyboard by ByHVN
Drum by ByHVN
Bass by ByHVN
Digital Editing by LEE HWASIN at 821 Sound
Recorded by GU HYEJIN at JYPE Studios
Mixed by MasterKey at 821 Sound
Mastered by KWON NAMWOO at 821 Sound Mastering

5. The View
[Stray Kids' Comment]

Lyrics by バンチャン (3RACHA)、チャンビン (3RACHA)、ハン (3RACHA)、 Krysta Youngs
Composed by バンチャン (3RACHA), チャンビン (3RACHA)、ハン (3RACHA)、 TELYKast、Krysta Youngs
Arranged by TELYKast、バンチャン (3RACHA)
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA), TREVOR KLAIMAN MUSIC (BMI), KYLE M T MUSIC (ASCAP), LINUS AK MUSIC (ASCAP), Petal Rock Publishing (ASCAP)
Sub-publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA), Fujipacific Music Korea Inc., Copyright Control
All instruments/Drums/Keyboard by TELYKast
Computer programming by TELYKast
Background vocals by Stray Kids, Krysta Youngs
Digital Editing by LEE KYUNGWON
Recorded by GU HYEJIN at JYPE Studios
Mixed by GU JONGPIL at KLANG Studio
Engineered for mix KANG SUNYOUNG
Mastered by KWON NAMWOO at 821 Sound Mastering

6. Sorry, I Love You
[Stray Kids' Comment]

Lyrics by チャンビン (3RACHA)
Composed by チャンビン (3RACHA)、Millionboy
Arranged by Millionboy 、バンチャン (3RACHA)
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA), Copyright Control
All instruments by Millionboy、バンチャン (3RACHA)
Digital Editing by LEE KYUNGWON
Recorded by UHM SEHEE, LEE SANGYEOB at JYPE Studios
Mixed by MasterKey at 821 Sound
Mastered by KWON NAMWOO at 821 Sound Mastering

7. Silent Cry
[Stray Kids' Comment]

Lyrics by バンチャン (3RACHA)、チャンビン (3RACHA)、ハン (3RACHA)
Composed by バンチャン (3RACHA)、チャンビン (3RACHA)、ハン (3RACHA)、HONG JISANG
Arranged by HONG JISANG
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA)
Electric Guitars by HONG JISANG
Keyboards by HONG JISANG
Computer programming by HONG JISANG
Background vocals by Stray Kids, HONG JISANG
Recorded by GU HYEJIN, LIM HONGJIN, PARK EUNJUNG at JYPE Studios, HONG JISANG at Jisang's Studio
Mixed by SHIN BONGWON at GLAB Studios
Mastered by KWON NAMWOO at 821 Sound Mastering

8. Secret Secret
[Stray Kids' Comment]

Lyrics by ハン (3RACHA)
Composed by JINBYJIN、ハン (3RACHA)、Moa “Cazzi Opeia” Carlebecker, Gabriel Brandes
Arranged by JINBYJIN
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA), EKKO Music Rights Europe (powered by CTGA)
Sub-publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA), EKKO Music Rights (powered by CTGA)
Guitar Performed by JINBYJIN
Piano Performed by JINBYJIN
Synthesizer Performed by JINBYJIN
Computer Programming by JINBYJIN
Vocal Directed by JINBYJIN、ハン (3RACHA)
Background vocals by バンチャン (3RACHA)、ハン (3RACHA)
Digital Editing by LEE KYUNGWON
Recorded by GU HYEJIN at JYPE Studios
Mixed by LEE TAESEOB at JYPE Studios
Mastered by KWON NAMWOO at 821 Sound Mastering

9. Star Lost
[Stray Kids' Comment]
STAYの前でコンサートする日が来たら、絶対歌いたい曲です。みんなで歌う想像をするだけで幸せな気持ちになります。 活気に満ちたエネルギーを、ぜひファンの皆様にお届けしたいです。 明るいトラックと対照的な歌詞が魅力的なポップダンスのジャンルです。

Lyrics by バンチャン (3RACHA)、チャンビン (3RACHA)、ハン (3RACHA)、earattack、Callous
Composed by earattack, DaviDior
Arranged by DaviDior, earattack
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA), Copyright Control
All instruments by DaviDior, earattack
Background vocals by バンチャン (3RACHA)、ハン (3RACHA)、earattack
Digital Editing by JUNG YURA
Mixed by LEE TAESEOB at JYPE Studios
Mastered by KWON NAMWOO at 821 Sound Mastering

10. Red Lights (Bang Chan, Hyunjin)
[Stray Kids' Comment]

Lyrics by バンチャン (3RACHA)、ヒョンジン
Composed by バンチャン (3RACHA)、ヒョンジン
Arranged by バンチャン (3RACHA)、VERSACHOI
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA)
All instruments by バンチャン(3RACHA)、VERSACHOI
Guitar by Nickko Young (NOH HYUNDONG)
Digital Editing by LEE KYUNGWON
Recorded by バンチャン (3RACHA) at Channie's “Room”
Mixed by LIM HONGJIN at JYPE Studios
Mastered by KWON NAMWOO at 821 Sound Mastering

11. Surfin’ (Lee Know, Changbin, Felix)
[Stray Kids' Comment]
Lyrics by チャンビン (3RACHA)、リノ、フィリックス
Composed by チャンビン (3RACHA)、リノ、フィリックス、VERSACHOI
Arranged by VERSACHOI
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA)
All instruments by VERSACHOI
Digital Editing by WOO MINJEONG
Recorded by CHOI HYEJIN at JYPE Studios
Mixed by PARK EUNJUNG at JYPE Studios
Mastered by KWON NAMWOO at 821 Sound Mastering

12. Gone Away (HAN, Seungmin, I.N)
[Stray Kids' Comment]

Lyrics by ハン (3RACHA)、スンミン、アイエン
Composed by ハン (3RACHA)、スンミン、アイエン、ARMADILLO、Gump
Arranged by ARMADILLO, Gump
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA), Copyright Control
Guitar by JUNG SORI
All instrument by ARMADILLO, Gump
Background vocals by スンミン
Digital Editing by JUNG YURA
Recorded by GU HYEJIN at JYPE Studios
Mastered by KWON NAMWOO at 821 Sound Mastering

[Stray Kids' Comment]
Mnet「KINGDOM : LEGENDARY WAR」で最終優勝をもたらした意味のある曲で、モーツァルトのフルネーム「Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart」から「Wolfgang」の部分を取りました。 群れで行動し獲物を狙うオオカミの習性をStray Kidsの結束力が強く、目標達成のためには一切妥協しないところに例えました。 また、Stray Kidsならではの音楽でみんなを圧倒させるというメッセージと世の中を率いろうとする意気込みも込めました。強力なTR-808、クラシカルオーケストレーション、オオカミを表現する音の調和で、まるでオオカミが狩りをするような躍動感をお楽しみいただけます。

Lyrics by バンチャン (3RACHA)、チャンビン (3RACHA)、ハン (3RACHA)
Composed by バンチャン (3RACHA)、チャンビン (3RACHA)、ハン (3RACHA)、VERSACHOI
Arranged by VERSACHOI、バンチャン (3RACHA)
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA)
All instruments by VERSACHOI
Background vocals by 3RACHA
Digital Editing by LEE KYUNGWON
Recorded by GU HYEJIN at JYPE Studios
Mixed by Tony Maserati at Chapel Swing Studios, Valley Glen
Mix Engineered by David K. Younghyun
Mastered by Chris Gehringer, assisted by Will Quinnell at Sterling Sound

14. Mixtape : OH
[Stray Kids' Comment]

Lyrics by バンチャン (3RACHA)、チャンビン (3RACHA)、ハン (3RACHA)
Composed by バンチャン (3RACHA)、チャンビン (3RACHA)、ハン (3RACHA)、Kobee、Holy M
Arranged by Kobee, Holy M
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA)
Guitars by Kobee
Bass by Holy M
Drums by Kobee
Synthesizer by Holy M
Computer programming by Kobee, Holy M
Background vocals by バンチャン (3RACHA)、チャンビン (3RACHA)、ハン (3RACHA)、フィリックス
Recorded by LEE SANGYEOB at JYPE Studios
Mixed by LEE TAESEOB at JYPE Studios
Mastered by KWON NAMWOO at 821 Sound Mastering
Stray Kids于8月23日发表正规2辑“NOEASY”及主打歌 “Thunderous”
- 2021年首张专辑,也是“王国”获胜后的正式活动!全员参与作词作曲的新专辑“NOEASY”瞄准歌坛!
- 主打歌“Thunderous”代表MZ世代坚定的信念! "不管谁说什么都不会泄气"
- 专辑包含美国Billboard排行榜首次获得第1位的“Mixtape : OH”,以及Unit歌曲在内,共收录14首歌曲!再次彰显了组合自身的个性风格!

Stray Kids在2021年8月23日发表正规2辑“NOEASY”。
Stray Kids在6月结束的Mnet“王国:传奇的战争’’(以下简称‘王国’)获胜后,首次发表专辑“NOEASY”,借此巩固K-POP大势。首张正规专辑“GO生”主打歌“神Menu”以及正规1辑的再版专辑‘’IN生‘’主打歌“Back Door”等都展现出了让人过耳不忘的“麻辣流派”的精髓,而魅力翻倍的第二张正规专辑,则表现出了人气猛增的成长势头。
“NOEASY”打破现有语法框架,是一张延续了Stray Kids用新单词与世界沟通的独创性表达方式的专辑。文字游戏天赋爆表和拥有优秀口才的他们,向那些对别人的人生品头论足的人们给予了一句符合MZ世代风格的强烈回应。
唠叨个不停的"唠叨鬼"们的形象,和Stray Kids不屈服有话就说,坚定地做属于自己音乐的堂堂正正的"唠叨鬼"的形象,形成了鲜明对比。激荡的旋律加上传统韩国国乐的华丽多样的声音提升了歌曲的趣味性,“哐啷哐啷”、“砰砰”等助兴叹语将Stray Kids独有的魅力推向顶峰。
以大胆又充满创意的风格被公认为"概念百宝箱"的Stray Kids的独特形象也值得关注。方灿、Lee Know、彰彬、铉辰、HAN、Felix、昇玟、I.N八位成员展现了势不可挡的能量、才智和淡定从容的气质,将新曲的魅力通过视觉加以呈现。 “Thunderous” MV以宫廷音乐、农乐、北青狮子舞等传统色彩展现了活力四射的魅力,利用动画过渡、视觉特效等展现了规模感十足的场面。
新专辑以Intro歌曲“CHEESE”为开端,收录了 “Thunderous “、 “DOMINO“、 “SSICK“, “The View”、”Sorry, I Love You”、”Silent Cry”、”Secret Secret”、”Star Lost”等主打歌曲。同时还包括了Unit歌曲“Red Lights (方灿、铉辰)”,“Surfin (Lee Know、彰彬、Felix)”、“Gone Away (HAN、昇玟、I.N)”以及Mnet“王国”最终竞演中展示的 “WOLFGANG”,还有6月26日发布并于7月10日登上美国Billboard “World Digital Song Sales Chart”榜首的数码单曲“Mixtape : OH”,共计14首歌曲。
Stray Kids以3RACHA为首,全部成员的成员都被登记在了Credit上,巩固了“自创组合”的领域。此外,还与VERSACHOI、Krysta Youngs、HotSauce、Hong Jisang等海内外优秀作曲家进行合作,提升了专辑的完成度。Stray Kids凭借上一张专辑“IN生”,创造了Hanteo榜单初动(发行首日起一周内的专辑销量)自身最高销量记录,在最近Hanteo榜单“Hanteo全球K-POP报告”中,被选为出道4年内艺人里,今年上半年社交指标上升最高记录的第一名,证明了国内外火爆人气飙升的势头。正规2辑“NOEASY”是一张能够为组合的整体性和上升趋势打下坚实基础的专辑,同时也作为主要起点,能满足全世界K-POP粉丝们的五感,巩固了"第4代代表组合"的地位。


[Stray Kids' Comment]

Lyrics by 方灿 (3RACHA), 彰彬 (3RACHA), HAN (3RACHA)
Composed by 方灿 (3RACHA), 彰彬 (3RACHA), HAN (3RACHA), VERSACHOI
Arranged by VERSACHOI
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA)
All instruments by VERSACHOI
Digital Editing by Lee Kyungwon
Recorded by Lee Sangyup at JYPE Studios
Mixed by Yoon Wonkwon at Studio DDeepKICK
Mastered by Kwon Namwoo at 821 Sound Mastering

[Stray Kids' Comment]
身为真正歌手的Stray Kids,为了打败唠叨鬼乘着云彩闪亮登场!我们想对那些抓住把柄就唠叨不停的人们,用自己的方式去讲述我们坚强意志的故事。劲爆的说唱、沉稳有力的呼吸声、华丽的韩国传统音乐之间和谐并存是其特点。可以说这是一首能再次让全世界了解只属于Stray Kids的声音的歌曲。

Lyrics by 方灿 (3RACHA), 彰彬 (3RACHA), HAN (3RACHA)
Composed by 方灿 (3RACHA), 彰彬 (3RACHA), HAN (3RACHA), HotSauce
Arranged by HotSauce, 方灿 (3RACHA)
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA)
Keyboard by HotSauce
Drum programming by HotSauce
Computer programming by HotSauce
Digital Editing by HotSauce, Lee Kyungwon
Recorded by Lee Sangyup, Im Hongjin at JYPE Studios
Mixed by Tony Maserati at Chapel Swing Studios, Valley Glen
Mix engineered by David K. Younghyun
Mastered by Kwon Namwoo at 821 Sound Mastering

[Stray Kids' Comment]
就像一张多米诺骨牌,只需轻触一下,其他部分就会跟着倒下一样,Stray Kids也想让每个人都跟随他们一起动起来。动听诙谐的歌词、开头的强劲节拍、多米诺骨牌倒下时HOOK旋律等,不仅能感受到Stray Kids独有的魅力,还能感受到他们独特的音乐色彩和新鲜感。

Lyrics by 方灿 (3RACHA), 彰彬 (3RACHA), HAN (3RACHA)
Composed by 方灿 (3RACHA), 彰彬 (3RACHA), HAN (3RACHA), VERSACHOI
Arranged by VERSACHOI, 方灿 (3RACHA)
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA)
All instruments by VERSACHOI, 方灿 (3RACHA)
Digital Editing by Lee Kyungwon
Recorded by Gu Hyejin at JYPE Studios
Mixed by Yoon Wonkwon at Studio DDeepKICK
Mastered by Kwon Namwoo at 821 Sound Mastering

[Stray Kids' Comment]
通过描述微笑时模样和意味着帅气且发音与"Sick"相同的单词,表现出了Stray Kids强烈的热情和自信感。歌曲以嘻哈为基础并加入EDM的丰富声音,能带来听觉上的快感。希望大家能够体验帅气到无法企及的新魅力。

Lyrics by 方灿 (3RACHA), 彰彬 (3RACHA), HAN (3RACHA)
Composed by 方灿 (3RACHA), 彰彬 (3RACHA), HAN (3RACHA), ByHVN (153/Joombas)
Arranged by ByHVN (153/Joombas), 方灿 (3RACHA)
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA), 153/Joombas Music Publishing
Keyboard by ByHVN
Drum by ByHVN
Bass by ByHVN
Digital Editing by Lee Hwasin at 821 Sound
Recorded by Gu Hyejin at JYPE Studios
Mixed by MasterKey at 821 Sound
Mastered by Kwon Namwoo at 821 Sound Mastering

5. The View
[Stray Kids' Comment]

Lyrics by 方灿 (3RACHA), 彰彬 (3RACHA), HAN (3RACHA), Krysta Youngs
Composed by 方灿 (3RACHA), 彰彬 (3RACHA), HAN (3RACHA), TELYKast, Krysta Youngs
Arranged by TELYKast, 方灿 (3RACHA)
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA), TREVOR KLAIMAN MUSIC (BMI), KYLE M T MUSIC (ASCAP), LINUS AK MUSIC (ASCAP), Petal Rock Publishing (ASCAP)
Sub-publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA), Fujipacific Music Korea Inc., Copyright Control
All instruments/Drums/Keyboard by TELYKast
Computer programming by TELYKast
Background vocals by Stray Kids, Krysta Youngs
Digital Editing by Lee Kyungwon
Recorded by Gu Hyejin at JYPE Studios
Mixed by Gu Jongpil at KLANG Studio
Engineered for mix Kang Sunyoung
Mastered by Kwon Namwoo at 821 Sound Mastering

6.Sorry, I Love You
[Stray Kids' Comment]

Lyrics by 彰彬 (3RACHA)
Composed by 彰彬 (3RACHA), Millionboy
Arranged by Millionboy , 方灿 (3RACHA)
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA), Copyright Control
All instruments by Millionboy, 方灿 (3RACHA)
Digital Editing by Lee Kyungwon
Recorded by Um Sehee, Lee Sangyup at JYPE Studios
Mixed by MasterKey at 821 Sound
Mastered by Kwon Namwoo at 821 Sound Mastering

7. Silent Cry
[Stray Kids' Comment]

Lyrics by 方灿 (3RACHA), 彰彬 (3RACHA), HAN (3RACHA)
Composed by 方灿 (3RACHA), 彰彬 (3RACHA), HAN (3RACHA), Hong Jisang
Arranged by Hong Jisang
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA)
Electric Guitars by Hong Jisang
Bass by Hong Jisang
Keyboards by Hong Jisang
Computer programming by Hong Jisang
Background vocals by Stray Kids, Hong Jisang
Recorded by Gu Hyejin, Im Hongjin, Park Eunjung at JYPE Studios, Hong Jisang at Jisang's Studio
Mixed by Shin Bongwon at GLAB Studios
Mastered by Kwon Namwoo at 821 Sound Mastering

8.Secret Secret
[Stray Kids' Comment]

Lyrics by HAN (3RACHA)
Composed by JINBYJIN, HAN (3RACHA), Moa “Cazzi Opeia” Carlebecker, Gabriel Brandes
Arranged by JINBYJIN
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA), EKKO Music Rights Europe (powered by CTGA)
Sub-publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA), EKKO Music Rights (powered by CTGA)
Guitar Performed by JINBYJIN
Piano Performed by JINBYJIN
Synthesizer Performed by JINBYJIN
Computer Programming by JINBYJIN
Vocal Directed by JINBYJIN, HAN (3RACHA)
Background vocals by 方灿 (3RACHA), HAN (3RACHA)
Digital Editing by Lee Kyungwon
Recorded by Gu Hyejin at JYPE Studios
Mixed by Lee Taesub at JYPE Studios
Mastered by Kwon Namwoo at 821 Sound Mastering

9. Star Lost
[Stray Kids' Comment]
这首歌是想在我们开演唱会的那天,一定要唱给STAY的一首歌,想象着一起唱的画面心情也会变好,想为粉丝们传递充满活力的能量。 这是一首流行舞曲,与轻快的曲目形成对比的歌词很有魅力。

Lyrics by 方灿 (3RACHA), 彰彬 (3RACHA), HAN (3RACHA), earattack, Callous
Composed by earattack, DaviDior
Arranged by DaviDior, earattack
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA), Copyright Control
All instruments by DaviDior, earattack
Background vocals by 方灿 (3RACHA), HAN (3RACHA), earattack
Digital Editing by Jung Yura
Recorded by Lee Sangyup, Park Eunjung at JYPE Studios
Mixed by Lee Taesub at JYPE Studios
Mastered by Kwon Namwoo at 821 Sound Mastering

10. 强迫 (方灿, 铉辰)
[Stray Kids' Comment]

Lyrics by 方灿 (3RACHA), 铉辰
Composed by 方灿 (3RACHA), 铉辰
Arranged by 方灿 (3RACHA), VERSACHOI
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA)
All instruments by 方灿(3RACHA), VERSACHOI
Guitar by Nickko Young (No Hyundong)
Digital Editing by Lee Kyungwon
Recorded by 方灿 (3RACHA) at 灿的“直播房”(Channie's “Room”)
Mixed by Im Hongjin at JYPE Studios
Mastered by Kwon Namwoo at 821 Sound Mastering

11. Surfin' (Lee Know, 彰彬, Felix)
[Stray Kids' Comment]

Lyrics by 彰彬 (3RACHA), Lee Know, Felix
Composed by 彰彬 (3RACHA), Lee Know, Felix, VERSACHOI
Arranged by VERSACHOI
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA)
All instruments by VERSACHOI
Digital Editing by Woo Minjung
Recorded by Choi Hyejin at JYPE Studios
Mixed by Park Eunjung at JYPE Studios
Mastered by Kwon Namwoo at 821 Sound Mastering

12. Gone Away (HAN, 昇玟, I.N)
[Stray Kids' Comment]

Lyrics by HAN (3RACHA), 昇玟, I.N
Composed by HAN (3RACHA), 昇玟, I.N, Armadillo, Gump
Arranged by Armadillo, Gump
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA), Copyright Control
Piano by Jeon Sangmin
Guitar by Jung Sori
Bass by Lee Sungchan
All instrument by Armadillo, Gump
Background vocals by 昇玟
Digital Editing by Jung Yura
Recorded by Gu Hyejin at JYPE Studios
Mixed by Lee Taesub, Choi Hyejin at JYPE Studios
Mastered by Kwon Namwoo at 821 Sound Mastering

[Stray Kids' Comment]
我们凭借这首歌在Mnet“王国:传奇战争”中获得了决赛总冠军,是很有意义的一首歌。歌名从莫扎特的全名“Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart”中借用了“Wolfgang”。将狼群打猎的习性比作为Stray Kids,刻画出强大的凝聚力、坚强的态度和在目标面前毫不留情的形象,同时传达了以自己的音乐征服所有人的信息和引领世界的愿望。通过强烈的808、古典管弦乐和狼的声音和谐相融,展现出像狼群狩猎般的精彩场景。
Lyrics by 方灿 (3RACHA), 彰彬 (3RACHA), HAN (3RACHA)
Composed by 方灿 (3RACHA), 彰彬 (3RACHA), HAN (3RACHA), VERSACHOI
Arranged by VERSACHOI, 方灿 (3RACHA)
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA)
All instruments by VERSACHOI
Background vocals by 3RACHA
Digital Editing by Lee Kyungwon
Recorded by Gu Hyejin at JYPE Studios
Mixed by Tony Maserati at Chapel Swing Studios, Valley Glen
Mix Engineered by David K. Younghyun
Mastered by Chris Gehringer, assisted by Will Quinnell at Sterling Sound

14. 爱
[Stray Kids' Comment]

Lyrics by 方灿 (3RACHA), 彰彬 (3RACHA), HAN (3RACHA)
Composed by 方灿 (3RACHA), 彰彬 (3RACHA), HAN (3RACHA), Kobee, Holy M
Arranged by Kobee, Holy M
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA)
Guitars by Kobee
Bass by Holy M
Drums by Kobee
Synthesizer by Holy M
Computer programming by Kobee, Holy M
Background vocals by 方灿 (3RACHA), 彰彬 (3RACHA), HAN (3RACHA), Felix
Recorded by Lee Sangyup at JYPE Studios
Mixed by Lee Taesub at JYPE Studios
Mastered by Kwon Namwoo at 821 Sound Mastering

[Product Information]
Product: CD
Size: 16.4 X 16.4 X 2.4 CM
Weight: 1,500g
Distributor: JYP360
Country of Manufacture: South Korea
Release Date: August 2021

- 2 Types of Package Sleeves
- 2 Types of Photo Books (Some pages are same as the limited version.)
- 1 Lyric Book (Same as the limited version.)
- 2 Types of CD-Rs
- 1 Out of 2 Stickers Selected at Random (Same as the limited version.)
- 1 Out of 4 Folded Unit Posters Selected at Random (Same as the limited version.)
- 2 Out of 32 Photo Cards Selected at Random (Same as the limited version.)
- 1 Out of 8 Double-Sided Photo Cards Selected at Random (Same as the limited version.)
- Pre-Order Benefits (Same as the limited version.)
1) 1 Out of 4 Posters Selected at Random
2) 1 Out of 8 Frame Photo Cards Selected at Random
3) 1 Out of 2 Special Mini Photo Books Selected at Random

- Small scratches and imperfections may be detected. This is not a defect.
- For printed goods such as photo cards, scratches, nicks, and dents under 5MM and not on the face are not grounds for exchange/return.
- Missing components are shipped additionally only if a video that contains the requirements on the packaging sticker is provided. Please read FAQs for further information.

[Additional Notice]
- This product is not suitable for children under the age of 14.
- Compensation for defective products is provided according to Fair Trade Commission standards.
Product Details
Product Name Stray Kids 2nd Album NOEASY
Model Stray Kids
Overview Pre-Order Benefits: Closed
Price $22.00
Discounted Price $17.82 ( $4.18 discount)
Reward Points $0.08 (0.50%)
Description [Product Information]
Product: CD
Size: 16.4 X 16.4 X 2.4 CM
Weight: 1,500g
Distributor: JYP360
Country of Manufacture: South Korea
Release Date: August 2021

- 2 Types of Package Sleeves
- 2 Types of Photo Books (Some pages are same as the limited version.)
- 1 Lyric Book (Same as the limited version.)
- 2 Types of CD-Rs
- 1 Out of 2 Stickers Selected at Random (Same as the limited version.)
- 1 Out of 4 Folded Unit Posters Selected at Random (Same as the limited version.)
- 2 Out of 32 Photo Cards Selected at Random (Same as the limited version.)
- 1 Out of 8 Double-Sided Photo Cards Selected at Random (Same as the limited version.)
- Pre-Order Benefits (Same as the limited version.)
1) 1 Out of 4 Posters Selected at Random
2) 1 Out of 8 Frame Photo Cards Selected at Random
3) 1 Out of 2 Special Mini Photo Books Selected at Random

- Small scratches and imperfections may be detected. This is not a defect.
- For printed goods such as photo cards, scratches, nicks, and dents under 5MM and not on the face are not grounds for exchange/return.
- Missing components are shipped additionally only if a video that contains the requirements on the packaging sticker is provided. Please read FAQs for further information.

[Additional Notice]
- This product is not suitable for children under the age of 14.
- Compensation for defective products is provided according to Fair Trade Commission standards.


Payment Method: Paypal, VISA, MASTER, JCB, AMEX
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    Period: 5 to 30 days
    Destination: Worldwide (destinations where EMS, DHL is available except Japan, China, Macau, and Hong Kong)
    Cost: International shipping fee

    The list of shipping destinations is subject to change.
    ※ The list of shipping destinations is subject to continuous change due to the Covid-19 pandemic. For more information, please make an inquiry on the Customer Service board.
    - Shipping may be delayed due to stock availability and warehousing operations.
    - Delivery takes 5 to 30 business days depending on your destination.
    - If your order includes made-to-order or pre-order items, your shipment will be dispatched when all items you purchase are prepared.
    - If the item you purchase is out of stock, you will be notified individually.
    - Your shipment may not arrive on the scheduled date due to custom clearance or shipping operations.
    - Customs charges are calculated based on the materials, manufacturing methods, and purposes of imported products. Make an inquiry to your local customs office for more information.
    - Recipients are responsible for taxes or customs charges levied on the imported product by the local customs office.


Make a private inquiry to our customer service within 7 days of delivery and include the picture or video of your item to prove the grounds  for exchanges/refunds (the whole item or defective part), order number, barcode, reason for returns.
* Returns for defective and mis-shipped items are offered when the request is made within 7 days of delivery.
* If you need to request an exchange or return for missed items, read through FAQs before you make an inquiry.

[Ineligible for Exchanges/Returns]
- Items specified as ‘not refundable’ due to the change of mind (made-to-order/pre-order products)

Pre-order items can be canceled during the pre-order period, but they cannot be canceled once you are notified that cancellation is not accepted.
- Exchange/return requests made after the specified period
- Items damaged due to customers’ negligence
- Items with signs of use
- Items returned without any prior request or rejected for returns
- Items returned due to the incorrect address, absence, or undirected recipient
- Other: items damaged from unboxing, made-to-order items, or ‘non-refundable’ items as specified on the product page

Seller Info


